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Functions & Powers
Powers and functions of the Executive Committee state Mission Society for Empowerment of Women
- Government has constituted the Executive Committee vide No. SW(S)70/201O/856 dates 10th January 2013 under the Chairmanship of the Chief Secretary.
- The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the management and Administration of the affairs of the mission in accordance with the rules and regulations made there under for the furtherance of the objects of the mission and shall exercise all powers of the Governing body, except to which may be specifically modifocd to be exercised by the Executive Committee.
- Will have power to enter into agreement with other public or private organizations or individuals for furtherance of its objectives.
- The Executive Committee will control the management of funds of the Society. State Mission Society for Empowerment of Women has been registered as a society on 9th December, 2011 under the MeghaJaya Societies Registration Act 1983.
- The Executive Committee will be responsible to carry out the policies and aims and objectives of the Mission as set out in the Memorandum of Association and such directives as the State Government/Central Government may issue to the Mission.
- The Executive Committee may delegate such administrative, financial and other powers as it considers fit to the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Member Secretary of the Executive Committee, Project Director of the State Resource Centre for Women (SRCW), or any of its members! or to a committee and impose such duties as it deems proper and maan also prescribe limitations within which the powers and duties sh be exercised or discharged.
- The Executive Committee will have the power to undertake or issue contracts for construction of buildings for use of the State Resource Centre for Women (SRCW), hire, take on lease, exchange or otherwise acquire properties movable or immovable and and to construct, alter and maintain any building, purchase stores as may be necessary and services required for the discharged of the functions of the Society provided that such activities shall be consistent with the prevailing State Government rules and standing orders.
- The Executive Committee will have the power to draw up individual terms of reference OUR) for each post of the State Resource Centre for Women (SRCW) consistent with the Govenment of lndias guidelines and instructions pertaining to quaJifications of employees of the Mission, selection procedures, Discipline and Control Rules.
- The Executive Committee will have the power and responsibility to formulate the Plan and Budget, purchase procedures, delegations of financial powers, investments of funds, maintenance of accounts and audit, TA & DA rules and such other matters as may be necessary for carrying out the objects and proper administration of the affairs of the Mission not inconsistent with the guidelines/Instructions of the Govem.ment of India, Ministry of Women and Child Development and State Government Dorms.
- The Executive Committee will have fuJI powers to make by - laws, rules and regulations as it thinks essential [or the regulation of the Mission.
- The Executive Committee shall have full powers to create post, recruit staff under the Society and enter into contract with such employees of the Society provided such contractual appointment are based on the terms and conditions of services laid down for setting up of the State Resource Centre for Women by the Govt. Of India, Ministry of Women and Child Development.
- The Executive Committee by resolution may, delegate its powers to the member Secretary for the conduct of business as the Governing body/ Executive Committee of the Mission may deem fit.
- Network and coordinate with voluntary and civil organisations working in the field of empowerment of women.
- Training and capacity building of all personnel (Government and Non- Government) working for the Mission.
- Submit Quarterly Progress Report to the State Government/ Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India, on programme implementation and fund utilization.
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